Attendees – volunteers, sailors, and carers must sign in on the appropriate form.

Volunteers MUST have a Working With Children (WWC) number to be able to work with Sailability NSW Cronulla.

The Cronulla Sailing Club facilities will be available for changing clothes and the use of toilets. The canteen area will be open to provide shelter and to enable food to be prepared

Dinghies are stored in the boatshed and MUST only be lifted with a minimum of four (4) people.

The rigging and de-rigging of the dinghies will be completed on the decking outside the boat storage area.

Dinghies will then be transported to the pontoon, where the keel and rudder will be fitted.

Everyone MUST wear a PFD on the pontoon, Volunteer sailors MUST carry a working radio.  

The safety boat must be in attendance whenever dinghies are on the water.